NZ can get pretty cold in the winter, and new advances in hydronic underfloor heating technology have allowed for a significant price decrease over the years.
The feeling of electric radiant warmth can be likened to the effect of sunshine radiating through the window onto the floor. Cold floor surfaces cause the foot to tense up in discomfort minimizing your enjoyment of your beautiful floor coverings. By increasing the floor and ambient temperature of any room you will be able to enjoy your entire home year round. Once you have experienced floor heating you will wonder how you ever managed without it.
Your body’s circulatory system helps transport heat around your body, in particular to your extremities (hands and feet). If your environment is cold your body will adapt by limiting the heat distributed to your feet and hands and focus your body’s heat around your most important organs. By heating your feet your heart will not have to work as hard to ensure your feet are warm. When your feet are warm your heart and body are more relaxed and therefore you are more comfortable.
Bathrooms by Design offer and Underfloor heating Auckland wide, so get in touch with us today to find out more.